Cell phones can harm you secretly

Cell phones are the primary need of today’s generation as this device makes our work easier. Either you want to send a text message or want to watch live TV, everything is in your hand. But you must know these cell phones are somewhere harmful to us. Not only have cell phones, devices like a microwave oven, washers, dryers, hair straighteners, emitted the harmful electromagnetic radiation. The laptops or computers you use daily also cause harm to you very secretly and you have no idea about it.

Effects of these radio frequency radiations

Not all the electromagnetic radiations are harmful, only few range of EMF causes harm to you and unfortunately, that range come under the normal use of your frequency. These electromagnetic radiations can be harmful to you in many ways; the major effects of cell phone radiation are:

  • Can increase the chances of acquiring cancer
  • Cause cardiovascular diseases
  • Can cause neurodegenerative diseases
  • Stress or hypertension
  • Migraine or headache
  • Memory loss

Device to prevent Electromagnetic radiation

There are many companies who make such devices which can block the radiations emitting out from your electronic devices. These devices are present in the market which when attached to the mobile will act as a safeguard against the harmful radiations. There are so many companies out there making such devices.

Ways to prevent these radiations

It is recommended not to use these electronic devices but it will not be possible as we are acquired and habitual for these technologies. But here are some ways which will help you to prevent from these harmful radiations:

  • No use of cell phones more than 1 hours
  • Take away from the reach of infants as they are very sensitive and can acquire diseases more quickly than adults.
  • Use of devices which can block these radiations
  • Lesser use of cell phones, laptops, computers etc.